Ninja Squad books and online courses about Angular and Vue

Pay what you want for "Become a Ninja with Angular" and "Become a Ninja with Vue", our DRM-free ebooks and online courses about these popular frameworks. Their "Pro Pack versions", our online courses, will save you hours on your projects by building a complete and tested application, step by step.

Angular: Zero to Ninja

The second version of the excellent Google framework is now available. Using the numerous novelties in Web development (ES2015+, TypeScript...), Angular is THE framework to write modern web applications. Based on our ebook, the training will quickly leave the basic examples to build a full blown application, with tools, tests, HTTP communication, etc... Come and discover all the power of Angular, and be ready to write robust and performant applications!

This training will give you a full access to the platform of our Angular "Pro Pack". You can then complete, at your own pace, from your home, all the advanced exercises not covered during the session.
And if you can't attend this training (for location, money or boss-related reasons), you can always buy our Pro Pack and learn online by yourself for a fraction of the price.

angular logo

4 days - 2,400

Tell me more
4.8 / 5 237

Next dates

  • December, Monday 9 - Thursday 12 2024 (à distance)

Slashed price for Heroes!

All of our trainings are subject to the slashed price for Heroes.
Ask for a -30% price cut if you are: volunteering on tech community events, committer on open source projects, freelance without training program from an employer, or unemployed.

More on our blog (in French).

All our trainings are available and customisable to suit your entreprise's needs. Contact us to have a special price and program.
We live around Lyon, France, but we may travel to give them.
Ninja Squad is a training agency registered under French number 82 42 02523 42.


  • Learn the basics of the framework.
  • Be able to build an app on your own.
  • Be able to talk with a backend.
  • Be able to test your web app, with unit and end-to-end tests.
  • Learn the best practices in development as well as in production.


This training is for the developers who want to have a quick start with this amazing framework.


Knowledge of the basics of the Web (HTML of course, but the knowledge of JS is a must have). A doubt on your current knowledge level? Send us an email!


The training can be followed in person or remotely, during public sessions that we organize regularly, or during a session dedicated to your team. You can register for a session up until the starting date, in the limit of available seats (usually 6 or 7). We may have to re-schedule a session if we don't have at least 3 persons registered, up until 2 weeks before the starting date. Do not hesitate to contact us to define your needs, and check if the training is the right one for you.


Our platform evaluates the exercises automatically, and allows to follow each trainee individually, while they build a complete application.


Each trainee must have his/her own computer to be able to do the exercises (the OS can be whatever you prefer), and an Internet connection. For an in-house training, the trainer will also need a video-projector, an Internet connection, and a paperboard.


Day 1

An introduction to the Web's future
  • ES2015+ and modules
  • TypeScript
  • Web Components
Getting started
  • The framework's philosophy
  • First app and tooling
  • Angular CLI and Vite
  • Property binding
  • Event binding
  • structural directives
  • Control Flow syntax
Component and directive
  • First component
  • Input and Output
  • Directive
  • Lifecycle

Day 2

Standalone Components
  • standalone
  • Optional NgModules
  • The core ones
  • Create your own pipes
Dependency injection
  • Basics
  • Injection with Angular
  • Create your own services
  • Manage the application state
Reactive programming
  • Understanding Observables
  • RxJS and its operators
  • Best practices
Unit tests
  • Karma and Jasmine
  • Testing with Angular support
  • Async tests
  • End-to-end tests with Cypress/Playwright

Day 3

Backend communication
  • HTTP requests
  • Interceptors
  • Secure calls
  • Configure your routes and URLs
  • Route parameters
  • Nested routes
  • Protected routes
  • Lazy
  • Create forms
  • FormsModule or ReactiveFormsModule
  • Validation and errors
  • Create your own validator
  • Strictly typed forms

Day 4

Advanced topics
  • Zones
  • Change detection
  • Template compilation (JiT/AoT)
  • Performances
  • signal
  • computed
  • RxJS interoperability
  • Components with signals
  • Internationalize with pipes
  • Translation
Getting ready for production
  • Deploy your application
  • Best practices

Other related trainings

If you want to learn even more, we also offer an advanced training on Angular.


Based on the 237 attendees that left us a review (on 2024/03/29, since 2017/06/20)


4.8 / 5


4.6 / 5


4.8 / 5

Learning methods

4.6 / 5


4.8 / 5


4.8 / 5

Some testimonials

Travail effectué remarquable pour cette formation, qui se démarque réellement des formations "classiques", notamment pour ce qui est de :

  • la qualité du support, qui est un livre mis à jour, et non pas un simple PowerPoint,
  • la qualité des exercices et du système d'évaluation,
  • la connaissance pratique et pointue du framework par le formateur,
  • les bonnes pratiques, notamment en matière de tests,
  • le rythme général de la formation.
Pour moi la meilleure des 5 formations techniques reçues.

Jean-Gabriel Limbourg, Silicom.

Avec un formateur qui connait parfaitement son sujet et qui est très impliqué dans la vie du projet Angular 2, la formation est de grande qualité. Les supports fournis : le livre de l'auteur pour la partie cours et le site internet pour les exercices applicatifs sont très bien adaptés à la formation et très utiles comme support pour nos propres développements. Merci Cédric. Ne pas hésiter à faire appel à lui ou à Ninja Squad pour une formation ou du support.

Jean Romier, Planar.

Formateur passionné, captivant et pleins d'énergie. Ne récite pas sa formation et improvise. Support de cours au top : le livre est un beau résumé de ce qu'il faut savoir pour commencer La plateforme des exercices est très bien pensée, permettant de ne pas perdre le fil si on a du retard par exemple ou si mauvaise manip'. Continuez comme ça !

Thibaud Sowa, Pharmagest.

Grand professionalisme du formateur, avec des exercices ludiques facilitant l'apprentissage, une grande capacité d'aide et d'écoute. Cette formation était tout simplement proche de la perfection. La structure des cours était aussi très intelligente ainsi que les explications annexes pour la culture générale.

Michael Chacaton, Euronews.

Très bonne formation sur le cœur d’Angular. Formateur très sympathique et sérieux qui maîtrise le sujet et se tient à jour des dernières modifications apportées au framework.

Matthieu Barile, CGI.

Cette formation est à recommander. Support de formation très agréable. Passionnant fait par un passionné ! J'aurais bien aimé avoir un jour en plus dans la formation.

Cédric Duluard, Vinci.

Une excellente formation qui permet de découvrir progressivement et en détail les nouveaux concepts d’Angular. De la théorie dispensée habilement et complétée par beaucoup de pratique, le tout dans une ambiance très conviviale. Un véritable gain de temps par rapport à une auto-formation et une mine d’informations sur les astuces et bonnes pratiques !

Damien Nolent, DFX.

Cette formation était extrêmement intéressante et m'a permis de monter en compétence rapidement sur Angular. Cédric, qui était notre formateur, est très au courant des évolutions d'AngularJS et a une expertise évidente sur ce Framework. C'est une formation que je recommanderai sans hésiter à toute personne souhaitant se former sur ce sujet. Encore un grand merci à Cédric (et à Ninja Squad indirectement bien sûr)

Nadège Rouelle, Freelance.

Génial !! C'était super, j'attends avec impatience Angular 3 pour refaire une formation :)

Dobromir Nikolov, Alcatel-Lucent.

Super formation, Cédric a été très attentionné, avec une pédagogie complète, cool et originale. Le fait d'alterner théorie et pratique par chapitre est idéal. Bonne ambiance générale. Je recommande 1000 fois :-)

Abdelhalim Zitour, IBM.


Cédric Exbrayat or Jean-Baptiste Nizet will be the trainers for this session. They use Angular since the beginning of the framework, co-wrote the ebook "Become a Ninja with Angular", contribute to the framework and the CLI, and have built several applications with it. They have 15 and 25 years of experience in development. Our trainers are passionate and experts in their fields. With dozens of trainings each year, and that for the past 10 years, our trainers have become masters in the art to teach a technology to a team.


This training costs 2400€HT per trainee for a public session. These sessions happen every 2 or 3 months. We can also plan a dedicated session for your team if you need to: send us an email in that case for a personalized quote.

Remote teaching

For a remote training, the trainer will be in a virtual face-to-face 100% of the time to teach a new concept or help the trainees during the exercises. We use Google Meet to have a private classroom. Each training relies on an ebook written by Ninja Squad, and on an online platform with exercises. To follow the progress of the trainees while they do the exercises, we use Visual Studio Code and its Live Share feature.


People with disabilities should contact us directly so we can figure out the best conditions for them.

Last updated


About us

Ninja Squad is a training agency registered under French number 82 42 02523 42.

We are also certified by Qualiopi for the quality of our trainings.

See our certificate.